Hailing from the world of narrative television, Julietta Boscolo is renowned for her work on series including 'Doctor Doctor' and 'Love Child’. She was set -up Director for ABC’s ‘The PM’s Daughter’, which was one of NME’s top 10 Australian movies and TV shows that year. Julietta is a Writer/Director who crafts compelling tales that resonate and move audiences emotionally. Her work has been recognised internationally by A-list festivals, including her project ‘The Sound of Light’, which was one of nine international projects selected for Venice International Film Festival’s Biennale College - Cinema. Julietta has a keen eye for the extraordinary within the ordinary. Her work has earned her an Australian Directors Guild award, with three additional nominations, alongside an Emerging Filmmaker Award at the Melbourne International Film Festival. Through her storytelling, she invites viewers to embark on transformative cinematic journeys, discovering beauty and meaning in the ordinary moments of life.